Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The classic Utah high school date...

This Saturday I was set up for a blind date. My friend Missy contacted me to see if I wanted to go on a date with a boy with her and another boy. I said sure, I've taken on this new idea of openly dating, so why not. As I pulled up to her house (where we were meeting) I saw what I thought was my friend Julia's car... 'hm... thats odd,' I thought to myself.
I get to the doorstep only to see a bajillion and three people there! Not really, there were only 8, but I was surprised! Apparently it was going to be a huge group date with 6 couples. (I might be horrible at math, but I know you're thinking that doesn't add up, 2 of the couple's met us later) What made it even better was that all of the girls were from the ASL program so we could sign the entire time and the boys wouldn't know! (Is that evil or what!? Ha!) So when I walked in there was one boy talking and I was thought to myself, oh, he's super cute! Missy paired us up and I got paired with a boy named Darin, from Tennessee, and boy, did he have the Southern charm! He was really nice and kept me smiling. 
It was funny because all of us just kept on talking with everyone, no one was really "paired off" until it came to seating arrangements and carpooling. Technically, we had our specific date but we all got to know each other. 
So we first picked up some pizza and then headed to... can you guess? Thats right, a ward house. In the gym were blankets and we all grabbed some food and sat and talked. Then we played the stomp the balloon game where you tie two balloons to your legs and run around trying to pop other's but preventing them from popping your own. Holy crap, it was then when I realized how out of shape I was. I was wheezing and hacking up a lung after like... .5 seconds while doubling over from laughter all at the same time. Needless to say, I was the first one out. The we played this game called 'The Awkward Game,' which is pretty much like Twister, just standing up. I ended up getting to stand by the kid I thought was super cute ( his name is AJ ) and we ended up getting really close, pretty much bear hugging each other and holding on to other people for support. When it was his turn he tried to pivot but lost his balance and 4 of us came crashing down to the floor, AJ on top of me. I suddenly felt this really sharp pain in my arm and it hurt like crazy. When he got up we saw that my pearl bracelet had broken from the impact of the fall and my wrist was throbbing with pain. I didn't want to make him feel bad, so I tried to act cool. Of course he kept on apologizing and I kept on saying it was okay, I mean accidents happen and I know he didn't mean to. 
The night went on while we went to Ryan's house to have brownies with ice cream and smoothies to accompany watching a movie. As we were waiting for everything to be done, everyone chatted; me by my date and AJ by his, Allison. We talked about music and super hero powers when we were interrupted by the host telling us our smoothies were done. Most people got up to get one, but I wasn't feeling in the mood for sugar so I just stayed in my seat. AJ was the first to come back with his smoothie, so I jumped over to him on the couch to get on his phone and show him, youtube style, some of the bands I was mentioning earlier . 
Next thing I know, everyone was back. Darin (my date) and Allison (AJ's date) were talking on the couch... and they were sharing a blanket. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was planning on moving back to my seat but I guess they were just fine and dandy sitting by each other... sharing a blanket... and I was sitting with AJ. I couldn't believe my luck. So they handed out blankets and guess what AJ and I did... thats right, we shared a blanket. HaaaChaaa! I couldn't help but laugh to myself about how we actually switched dates in the middle of the date and everyone was perfectly okay with it, I'm actually still laughing about it. Throughout the night we made funny comments about how we're all caring people so we share, because sharing is caring and it can be fun. I couldn't help but feel a little giddy inside because I actually ended up with AJ, and I was super excited about it. Our personalities just meshed so well together and plus, he was cute!
When we finally all arrived back to Missy's house, the cars lined up on the street, we walked with our dates... well, with our new dates... to our cars. As I looked down the street I realized there were four different doorstep scenes going on at the same time. AJ helped me wipe the snow off my car, we hugged and went our separate ways, concluding the typical high school at the age of 23 date.
I must say, in all honesty, this had to be one of the funnest yet... interesting dates of my 23 years of life. I had a blast and made a connection with every one of those people in that group, while finding an awesome connection with a young man who shares my standards, personality traits, is cute and enjoys having fun. I'm pretty sure I have never been that amused in my entire life.

The good Lord works in mysterious, and clearly, hilarious ways. 

Deaf Activity

For those of you who don't know, I am the Public Relations chair for the ASL club and on Friday we had a n activity and it went absolutely great! We played games, ate food, and mingled! Not only did people from both the interpreting world and the actual Deaf community show up but people are even starting to bring their friends who don't know sign to become familiar with the culture! It was a huge success. Lets hope things continue to grow!
Here's the group (People came and went throughout the night...) :

My first A!

So, I received my first A on a test at SLCC. I cannot say how proud of myself I am. I've really worked hard on making sure I do well this semester and it looks like its starting to pay off! I honestly almost died when I saw my score and almost started crying, but instead I lightly punched the person next to me a few times to get out my energy followed by a huge hug and finally asking him to take a picture of me and a stupid piece of paper. I think he was a little scared but I couldn't help myself! I was so happy!
At first I only received a 91/100 but as we went through the test he gave us extra points for questions that the majority of the class missed making my grade a 93! As he continued to go over the answers, I realized he missed marking one wrong, so I wrote him a note on the front of my test (as we're supposed to) so I was now back at 92. but at the end a girl asked what to do if he didn't mark one wrong that was wrong, he replied that she got the point because she was honest. At the end of class I went up and showed him the note I made and he said that I could get that point too! So TA DA! A 93! AH! Here are some pictures: (don't mind my awful hair... I woke up late.... =S)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

.My Personal Ad.

So for my marriage and family relations class we were given the opportunity to get 5 extra credit points for the upcoming test if we would write two "personal ads." One stating things about ourself and the other stating what we were looking for in a companion.
I was just going to hand them in but I had a lot of fun with this assignment and was not quite sure if we would get our cards back so I've decided to write them on my blog as well!
So for all of you bachelors out there, and well.... anyone else out there.... here you are. 

::My Personal Ad::

About me:
When I was young I was your "typical girl," complete with unicorns and princesses. But as I have grown I have found things that distinguish me from the other 5"8, brunette, hazel eyed girls. I love anything vintage. I dream of going to Africa. I live for the arts and expression. I enjoy trying new foods... well, eating in general, really! I cheer for the Jazz, I boo for the Lakers. I indulge in intellectual conversation while I also indulge in conversations full of laughs, but not sarcasm. I don't believe in sarcasm... at all... now go make me a sandwich. :)

What I am looking for:
If I could pick any fictional character as a "significant other" I would choose Edward from "Twilight"... okay, thats a lie. I would actually choose the character Jim from the sitcom "The Office." Charming, witty, supportive, caring, understanding... and being cute is a plus! I am a sucker for the side parted hair, baby faces, cardigans, and oddly enough biceps. (I honestly really do not know why) He has to have goals, be passionate, and love learning. Being a family man is quite important to me... as well as the fact that he must love dogs and also the Jazz, of course!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Frustrated just a bit.

For some reason I got frustrated at a lot of things today. I've become good friends with some boys in my sociology class and we usually have lunch together afterwards. But I've been feeling really pressured lately about it. I don't think any particular person is pressuring me but myself, and it kills me some days. I'm so afraid of hurting people and of getting hurt. I like making friends. I like talking and getting to know new people. I like reaching my hand out for friendship, and for those of you who know me, its just not hard for me to do it. I enjoy it. But people misread it. Boys end up upset and mad at me, thinking that I'm just jumping from guy to guy, lying to them and using them. Girls end up thinking of me of as always wanting to compete with them or steal their crushes and backstabbing them. For as long as I can remember people have thought these things about me. But if you knew me, for any of you who truly know me know that is the last thing I want to do. So its frustrating when it happens. I have been fighting this for years on end and the only option I can think of doing is to change who I am for everyone else to be happy. I honestly do try to be a good person and people misuse it or misread it, get upset with me, and then I always feel so bad and it kills me inside. Next thing you know there is this "I hate Jen" club in Utah where I feel like people are passing out emotional fliers, changing the way other people see me. 
Its like one of those high school nightmares where you enter the school and everyone is whispering about you when you walk by. Or if someone tries to approach you, someone will stop them and they get this disgusting look on their face and walk away. I promise to each and every one of you who reads this, I honestly, with all of my heart, try to do whats right and be a genuinely good person. Try to be open and fun. Try to be a good friend and will never purposefully do anything to hurt you. 

Dear *fill in the blank here*

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, life's been a little crazy.... well, actually it hasn't. I haven't had much to write about. So I haven't blogged. Ha ha ha ha.

First off, I want to say how proud of myself I am. I have only missed one day of class (I was really sick) and I have turned in all of my assignments on time. I know for a lot of my family this is probably hard to understand because my family is fricken smart. And determined. And did I mention smart? They all make it seem so easy, like studying is natural for them and don't have to fight with themselves to get things done. Education is really important in my family and everyone takes it pretty seriously... until me. I struggle with it SO much. But I'm really trying to buckle down and get it done. I truly had to do everything within myself to sit down and write my anthropology paper tonight, but I did it. I did it.

I know it might sound like school is all I ever talk about but I've taken a turn in my life and its a big deal for me... actually going to school and trying to get a degree, trying to do well. 

Dear ASL: You better KNOW that I love you so much that I am willing to do all of this for you.

Dear Connie: You better KNOW that I am going to be interpreter and you're going to be wrong.

Dear Spencer: You better KNOW that I am going to do this.

Dear Heavenly Father and Christ: Thank you.