Sorry I haven't posted in a while, life's been a little crazy.... well, actually it hasn't. I haven't had much to write about. So I haven't blogged. Ha ha ha ha.
First off, I want to say how proud of myself I am. I have only missed one day of class (I was really sick) and I have turned in all of my assignments on time. I know for a lot of my family this is probably hard to understand because my family is fricken smart. And determined. And did I mention smart? They all make it seem so easy, like studying is natural for them and don't have to fight with themselves to get things done. Education is really important in my family and everyone takes it pretty seriously... until me. I struggle with it SO much. But I'm really trying to buckle down and get it done. I truly had to do everything within myself to sit down and write my anthropology paper tonight, but I did it. I did it.
I know it might sound like school is all I ever talk about but I've taken a turn in my life and its a big deal for me... actually going to school and trying to get a degree, trying to do well.
Dear ASL: You better KNOW that I love you so much that I am willing to do all of this for you.
Dear Connie: You better KNOW that I am going to be interpreter and you're going to be wrong.
Dear Spencer: You better KNOW that I am going to do this.
Dear Heavenly Father and Christ: Thank you.
Good for you!! Don't worry about what everyone else has done and don't compare yourself to them. You are accomplishing things that you are proud of and that everyone around you should be proud of! You are doing great and don't let the accomplishments of others make you feel like you somehow failed because you didn't do things the same way. That's not a fair comparison to you. You deserve more credit than that. Love you!