Wednesday, January 19, 2011


This first week or so of school has been interesting. Its been a good, fun experience so far because I'm meeting new people. As much as I love ASL the Interpreting Program is very limited in the sense that you have the same people for the entire two years. (Or in my case 3 bajillion years, is this program never going to end!?) So its refreshing to have classes that are new and exciting. I've met some new people who I can tell we'll be school friends. You know, there are those different kinds of friends like your fun friends, you friends you need to go to when you need to talk, your church friends, your school friends, your all of the above friends. I think I've found some good school friends and maybe even a few hang out friends! I'm really proud of myself for the progression I've had recently. I'm become a lot more stable in who I am and what I want in life. Granted, I still have my moments, but for the most part I am doing so much better.
I think a big confidence booster for me is that I've gotten the opportunity to interpret a lot recently, outside of the program, just for fun with my Deaf friends. They are so accepting and helpful to me. They really make me feel good about myself. I think they see the desire and work ethic I have, which is ignored by people in the program. Like the Head of the Interpreting Program actually had the audacity to tell me "You know Jen, its okay to drop out." or "Are you sure you want to be an interpreter?"If they knew anything about me they would see differently. It can be so frustrating sometimes but I will get through it and I will do it! Speaking of ASL, I'm the Public Relations for the ASL club, so I made a poster and flyers for club rush week. Everyone loved them. Here's a picture of my poster:
Thank goodness for Cricut, right!?!

1 comment:

  1. Love your poster! You are so talented and I'm glad to see that you're still continuing forward. You'll do great, I just know it!
